
Monday 23 March 2015

Autistic boy invited friends to his birthday but no-one replied - what happened next was amazing

Mum Melissa only wanted a few people to cheer up her son Odin Camus - she had no idea just how big the response would be

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Odin Camus didn't ask for too much for his 13th birthday.
He just wanted a few of the 15 friends he invited to come to his party at a bowling alley.
But when not a single one of them replied, he was feeling understandably down in the dumps.
But what happened over the next 48 hours made it the most memorable birthday he will ever have.

Odin's mum Melissa was worried, especially as he struggles to make friends due to his Asperger syndrome.

She took to Facebook and asked some local mums in Ontario, Canada, to text Odin 'happy birthday' to the new mobile phone she had bought him.
She wrote: "hello ladies, a quick favour to ask.

"Some of you have seen my post about my son, Odin.

"His struggles with bullying, his difficulties with Aspergers. Well, today is his 13th birthday.

"And, unfortunately, not one kid rsvp'd to his birthday 'hang out' invite.

"I'm really struggling with finding a way to make today awesome for him, when it will just be us celebrating.

"A way to make him feel important. I have a balloon avalanche set up for when he wakes up, decorated the house a bit, and will take him for his favourite dinner (WhistleStop for poutine).

"Some gifts, and cheesecake.
"My question is - can some of you perhaps text his schmancy new cell phone, and wish him happy birthday?

"I want his thirteenth birthday to feel special, and like people care about him.

"And, if any of you have suggestions about making his day awesome (so perhaps having his bday with just us isnt so lame). I'd love to hear the suggestion!!"

Word quickly spread, and Odin ended up receiving at least 5,000 text messages.
And a short time later, his story was going viral on Twitter with the hastag #OdinBirthday trending worldwide.

Twitter in Canada estimated more than 11,000 birthday greetings for Odin were posted by Friday night.
Best wishes poured in from celebs including Elijah Wood, basketball team the Toronto Raptors and even the Prime Minister of Canada's wife.
Dozens of people stepped in to make Odin's birthday a special night.
He arrived at the bowling alley on Friday in a stretch limousine with reporters and photographers waiting.
Inside were hundreds of local children with their parents, firefighters, police and childcare workers.
And everyone wanted a photo with the man of the hour.
"It's amazing how people care. I feel absolutely amazing," he told the canoe.ca
His mum Melissa was overwhelmed by the reaction to Odin's story.
"People are here because everyone knows a kid who struggles to fit in," she said.
"It's not new. It sucks for the kid. But everyone can relate."
Happy Birthday Odin!




Source:Mirror Uk

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